Local Statistics About Personal Injuries

Local Statistics About Personal Injuries

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The number of Americans who live independently has increased significantly over the past few decades. For this reason, more and more people are being injured in the event of a fall, car accident, or another type of personal injury. In particular, there has been an increase in the number of people getting injured as a result of a slip and fall on private property or in a commercial establishment. The statistics regarding these types of injuries are concerning. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), each year nearly 3 million people sustain an injury that prevents them from working for at least six weeks. Additionally, this same study revealed that approximately one-third of these people make repeat visits to the emergency room due to new injuries every time they return.

What are the leading causes of personal injuries?

The leading causes of these injuries are slipping, tripping, and falling. Slips and falls account for 61 percent of all personal injuries. Slips and falls can result from a variety of factors, like wet surfaces or absent grooves on the floor. Additionally, some people may be more prone to slips and falls due to certain health conditions that make it difficult for them to walk safely or remain balanced.

For example, older adults are more likely to slip and fall over stairs than younger adults when they have arthritis. It’s also important to note that there is a difference between falls due to slipping versus tripping. Tripping occurs when someone trips while walking or running while slipping is when something causes a person to lose their balance and fall face first onto an object like a step or the ground.

Slip and falls on public property

The statistics on slips and falls on public property are similar to those on private property. Approximately 6 million people visit emergency rooms for a slip and fall injury every year. Part of the problem is that there aren’t always adequate warning signs or signage about what kind of slippery conditions a surface might present.

Most often, these injuries happen when people fail to see warning signs and walk out onto a wet or otherwise treacherous area. Another common cause of falling is failing to wear appropriate footwear in an area where you could be slipping. It’s also important to note that many people don’t realize they’re tripping hazards even exist so they step on them without realizing it.

Car accidents

Car accidents are not only a concern for the individual involved but also for the public in general. For example, each year more than 600,000 people are killed in car accidents and more than 40 million people are injured. Additionally, it is estimated that automobile accidents cause approximately $72 billion worth of property damage every year.

These statistics show that car-related injuries and death can have a significant impact on the public’s health and safety. You can use this data to help identify ways to reduce your personal injury risk or to lobby for legislation that will protect you against these injuries.

Falls in residential properties

In one study, there were an estimated 3.2 billion visits made to the emergency department from falls in residential properties. It was also revealed that more than 35 percent of these falls occurred in the kitchen, living room, or bathroom. Additionally, those who live with a fall-prone person are twice as likely to be injured in the event of a fall. Loss prevention is key to decreasing these injuries. For example, it is important for homeowners to install proper handrails on staircases and have proper lighting installed throughout their homes.

It also goes without saying that people should be careful when walking around or doing other activities in their homes. It’s important for businesses to keep up with safety precautions as well. With this said, they can put up signs outside entrances and make sure they use proper reflectors on parking lots and walkways so that drivers can see them better at night time when visibility is limited.

Other causes of personal injury

Fall-related injuries are only one of the many causes of personal injury. Injuries caused by a slip and fall include broken bones, head trauma, and lacerations. Other types of personal injuries include motor vehicle accidents, work-related injuries, sports-related injuries, domestic violence, burns, scalds, falls from heights, and animal bites.

Statistics on persons with disabilities involved in slip and fall incidents

When a person falls and injures themselves, they typically report back to their doctor or the hospital. In accordance with these reports, the NSC has analyzed the characteristics of persons who have been involved in slip and fall incidents and injured themselves. The two most significant findings are that around 20 percent of those involved in these accidents (approximately 40 percent of people who got injured) were diagnosed with a disability.

Additionally, it was found that over half (between 56 percent and 57 percent) of these persons had been living independently on their own for less than two years. Despite this recent independence, nearly half reported having some form of disability. we can say that Slip and falls are one of the leading causes of personal injury. They can occur in a variety of locations, ranging from your home to public places. In order to avoid these injuries, it is important to be aware of the risks and to be proactive in avoiding these accidents.





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