Social Samosa Review

Social Samosa Review

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Social Samosa is an online ad network that has a reach of over 5 lakhs per month. It publishes quality content from a variety of categories and charges reasonable advertising rates. It offers to advertise to both consumers and businesses. It also provides an online platform for publishers to sell their products and services.

Reach of 5 lakh monthly page views

Social Samosa is a leading advertising platform and is known to reach a massive audience. It is also known for its high engagement rate. It has a total reach of over five lakh page views per month. The website has a variety of pricing options for advertisers. These include CPM, CPC, and fixed fees. These are available in multiple languages including English and Hindi.

Social Samosa advertising is a cost-effective way to target your local audience. It enables you to reach a huge number of people without breaking the bank. You can use its SmartAds tool to help create the perfect advertisements. It has various features including GIFs, audio files, and video content in several Indian languages. It can also be used to carry out sweepstakes for a chance to win prizes. You can use the tools to increase brand recognition and boost your sales.

The ad that has the most reach is the one that is able to generate clicks. The best way to do this is by using a digital ad. You can place these ads on the website itself, or on third-party websites. A well-designed ad is more likely to yield conversions. It is advisable to hire a professional digital agency to make sure that you get the most out of your investment.

Advertising rates

The Social Samosa is a great website for a number of reasons. The main one is that it’s a reputed online publication that offers breaking news and analysis on a wide variety of topics related to social media marketing. In 2013, the site also won the prize for the blog of the year at the WATA awards. It’s based out of Mumbai and is churning out a healthy INR 70 lakhs in revenue each quarter.

The aforementioned site boasts a total of 178k visitors across desktop and mobile. They likewise offer CPM and CPC ad rates. In addition to their social media-centric offerings, they also offer advertising & marketing services. The website has a dedicated contact to help advertisers out with their campaigns. They also offer a plethora of features to enhance user experience, including a live chat facility. They also have a well-designed site that delivers a satisfying experience across devices. A well-designed site will improve clickthrough rates and drive conversions, which is the ultimate goal of any business.

The website’s best features include the ability to customize your ad requirements, such as targeting demographics, location, and content. They even have a media options and pricing page which provides detailed pricing and media options. Moreover, they’ve got an offline booking option as well.

Content published

If you’re interested in the culture and politics of Samoa, there’s a lot of material to read. For instance, there’s an interesting study about the taro blight that hit the islands last year. Another is an overview of the history of the government policy on fa’a Samoa.

The book Samoan Queer Lives is edited by fa’afafine, an organization dedicated to the protection of fa’afafine. The book covers fa’afafine’s experiences in a variety of ways, from personal stories to autobiographical accounts. This book is a fundraiser for fa’afafine, and the royalties will benefit the organization.

The other book, Coming of Age in Samoa, written by anthropologist Margaret Mead, is often criticized for romanticizing the life of Samoans. But it has also gotten a good reception from some people. In fact, it has been used in several undergraduate anthropology classes. The book, though, has been criticized for downplaying evidence, and some of Mead’s conclusions have been disputed by other anthropologists. In the end, she responded to some of Freeman’s criticisms.

In the future, it may be important to consider how the Social-Ecological Model of Health can be used to analyze disparities in health. This model can help identify many factors that contribute to poor health status. This could lead to intervention strategies to improve the health of Samoans. It might even offer new insights into obesity and other chronic illnesses in other populations.

Final Words

The company was founded in 2006 by two friends who wanted to bring their favorite food to a whole new audience. Social Samosa has since become one of the most successful Indian startups, with over 100 million customers worldwide. In 2015, the company was featured in Forbes as one of the “10 fastest growing companies in America”.



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